
Printed Books of the National Library of Medicine

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The National Library of Medicine in Prague digitised four volumes of medical and veterinary printed books in 2016. They all come from the last quarter of the 18th century and were mostly printed in Vienna, some also in Bratislava and Lübeck. The binder’s volume of individual parts of the work Anfangsgründe der chirurgischen Vorbereitungswissenschaften für angehende Wundärzte (F 184) by J. J. von Plenck is also interesting for its ownership marks.


List of documents

Raphael Johann Steidele: Abhandlung von BlutflüssenF 227; Národní lékařská knihovna Praha; Praha; Česko
[Konvolut zvěrolékařských tisků]F 6; Národní lékařská knihovna Praha; Praha; Česko

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