
Printed Books from the National Library of Technology

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The National Library of Technology digitised ten printed books and their binder’s volumes in 2017. The works were printed in the 18th century – mostly in Germany, but also in Poland and Switzerland; the earliest digitised printed book is a part of the work Elementa matheseos universae by Christian Wolff, printed in Geneva in 1735. Besides mathematics, also natural-science treatises as well as practical guides (astronomy, geometry, surveying, accounting, etc.) are represented.


List of documents

Christian Wolff: Elementa matheseos universae, tomus tertiusA 108; Národní technická knihovna; Praha; Česko
Johann Ernst Basilius Wiedeburg: Anleitung zum RechnungswesenA 162; Národní technická knihovna; Praha; Česko
Johann Friedrich Polack: Mathesis forensisA 174; Národní technická knihovna; Praha; Česko

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